Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 Months of Writing a Novel

By Paula Matter, short story writer

On the first month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

How hard can that be?

On the second month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the third month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the fourth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the fifth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

I neeeeed help now                                                  

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the sixth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

How do others do it?                                            

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the seventh month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

There must be some secret                                  

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the eight month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Kept my butt in my chair

There must be some secret                                          

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the ninth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Pulling out my hair

Kept my butt in my chair                                       

There must be some secret

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the tenth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Hired Kristen Weber

Pulling out my hair                                              

Kept my butt in my chair

There must be some secret

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the eleventh month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

Think I’m gonna make it

Hired Kristen Weber                                          

Pulling out my hair

Kept my butt in my chair

There must be some secret

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

How hard can that be?

On the twelfth month of this year, I think I’ll write a book

I learned how to spell twelfth

Think I’m gonna make it

Hired Kristen Weber

Pulling out my hair

Kept my butt in my chair

There must be some secret

How do others do it?

I neeeeeeeed help now

What was I thinking?

Can’t wait to quit my day job

Characters are forming

And now I know how hard it can be!


Joyce Tremel said...

Funny, Paula. And oh, so true!

Annette said...

I love it! Thanks for the laugh, Paula!

babs m said...

See, I have the solution for you--for those of us at NaNoWriMo, we'd just take the first 10 months off, and write the novel in November. :) Not quite as lyrical as your path, though!

Heidi Ruby Miller said...

That was so clever, Paula!

And sometimes so true...

PatRemick said...

Very cute -- and an entry so many of us can appreciate!!

Carol Silvis said...

As always, Paula, you are such an entertainer.

Jemi Fraser said...

Awesome! And so very true :)

Paula Matter said...

I'm happy to know I made y'all laugh. My mission in life.


Susan said...

My dear Paula...

You needed a better ending!

Like: typed the I need to find an agent...on this first day of this year, I wrote my first query...LOL

Patg said...

In case you haven't heard
WRITING the book is the easy part these days. As Susan says, writing the query and getting an agent or publisher is the hair tearer now.