Monday, December 07, 2009

Sorry Gang

by Wilfred Bereswill

I apologize to the Stiffs and readers.  I had an unbelievable weekend.  My oldest daughter got engaged to an amazing guy Friday night and my business trip to Raliegh North Carolina has gotten in the way. 

I hope to see you in a couple of weeks with a scintillating read.

Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves.


PatRemick said...

Congrats to your family! Yep, life sometimes gets in the way of writing. So glad the reason is a happy one!

My writing also gets interrupted around the holiday season, which I've concluded many women dread. If people are yearning for something thought-provoking to consider today,I've posted my thoughts on the subject on my personal blog at

Jenna said...

Congratulations, Freddy! Yeah, life is about more than writing, though we sometimes forget that. Or at least I do. I'm on the Good Girls Kill For Money Club myself today, talking about favorite Christmas books, if anyone wants to stop by.

JournoMich said...

Congrats and welcome to Raleigh. We love our city!
