My dear friend Paula Matter sent me an SOS yesterday, asking me to fill her blogging slot for today. With it being last minute, I decided to simply dig into more of my photos from the Pennwriters Conference. Today's selection has a theme: Socializing. Schmoozing. Hanging with friends. Whatever you call it, there was a lot of it going on.
In the Hospitality Suite Friday, Nancy Martin sits and chats with Catherine McLean and Ramona Long.
At Friday's keynote dinner, Pittsburgh area Pennwriters Stephanie Claypool, Cheryl Williams, and Carol Moessinger catch up.

And Lee Ann Dawson, Candace Banks, Working Stiffs' Martha Reed get better acquainted.
The networking continued at Saturday's lunch.
Heidi Ruby Miller and Jason Jack Miller were two of the authors participating at the book signing.
CJ Lyons and Becky Levine took part in it as well.
Pennwriters President Carol Silvis and Sandi Hahn share drinks and a laugh at Saturday night's cocktail party.
Fellow Working Stiff Joyce Tremel (on the right) chats with a new friend .
Two Davids: D.L. Wilson and Dave Freas.
Fred Connor, Don Jodon and Mercedes Goldcamp hang out at in the Hospitality Suite before Sunday's closing ceremonies.
Two Peggys and a Dave with a ton of tickets for the basket raffle.
So while the conference was a place to learn about craft and career, it was also a place to hang out with other writers, compare notes, and cheer successes. At Pennwriters, we're all family.
I've been very much enjoying thse Pennwriters posts -- makes me want to attend next year!
Pat, you MUST attend!
I wish I could remember the name of the woman I was talking to--she lives about a mile from me. I am so bad with names! I know what she's writing and even what street she lives on but not her name. Sheesh.
Joyce, I was hoping you could help with that. Darn.
Pat, you really should come. It's a fantastic conference.
Third try at posting--Mr. Blogger, what did I ever do to you, huh?
Pat, I pushed Crime Bake to anyone who would listen! You would love Pennwriters. Do try to come next year.
That's the beauty of conferences. Unchain all of us writers from our desks and we get spring fever and yak all night long. Amazingly, we'd all probably call ourselves introverts... but put a group of us together, and we're more like cackling hens. Looks like a nice time was had by all.
My word verification is pigouts. Just had to share that.
Thanks, Annette!
Pat, you definitely need to attend!
Ramona, you are not alone. Blogger wouldn't let me post on Jenna's blog yesterday, either.
Thanks for all the wonderful memories!
What a conference it was! What great memories from your post!
Great pics and great memories!
Thanks, Annette!
So are SO awesome, Annette! You cropped me out of the picture at lunch/keynote Saturday!
A million thanks for that. Seriously. (as you know)
Susan, I didn't intentionally crop you out. You just didn't sit still long enough for me to catch you on film. Okay, it's not film anymore, but saying "on digital" doesn't have the same ring to it.
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